2009 Keynote Speaker

Aurelio F. Barreto III

is the founder and CEO of C28 Stores and Not of This World (NOTW) Clothing. As an immigrant from Cuba, Aurelio knew the value of hard work at a very young age. By the time he was 20 years old he founded his first business and grew it to $3 million in revenues. In 1987 he moved on to invent Dogloo, an igloo shaped dog house that was sold in the mass market. After 10 years of running Dogloo Inc., Aurelio sold the business for millions yet had no inner peace or joy. Hearing Aurelio’s amazing journey was truly an inspiration to all.

• Not of Tthis World (NOTW) Clothing, CEO
• C28 Stores, CEO
• Dogloo founder and former CEO
• Local resident and Corona community leader

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